Pricing of our Products & Services
We will charge a fixed amount for preparing Project report comprising of all contents/ financial data, required by Banks for the purpose of evaluating the Term Loan(s) and Working Capital needs of a company.
One Time Fees will be chargeable for one time consultation which may involve preparation of financial document, solution of a problem.
Annual Retainership fees is chargeable for those companies who keep us engaged in perennial banking / financial dealings relating to upkeep of their Financial data.
Taxation and Court matters, charges will be as per rules, after discussion.

Pricing of Case Studies

Case Study classified 'Basic' is for Rs1,000/
Case Study classified 'Medium Difficulty' is for Rs2,500/
Case Study classified 'Starred Ultimate Level' for Rs12,500/ (serial number 3, under Working Capital)
Case Study ‐ 'Joy Chemicals' classified 'Ultimate Level' (serial number 13, Project Appraisal) is for Rs7,500/
Case Study ‐ Project Financing : appraising financial viability (serial number 14, Project Appraisal) is for Rs12,500/
Combo Package
All Case Studies, Serial Number 1 to 9, are for Rs20,000/
All Case Studies, Serial Number 10 to 14, are for Rs20,000/
All Case Studies, Serial Number 1 to 14, are for Rs30,000/